On Thursday February 26th from 8 am to 10 am, the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency and Tennessee Homeland Security conducted an emergency communications exercise. The purpose of this exercise was to make contact with every county Emergency Operations Center in West Tennessee.The Tennessee Homeland Security District 10 CERT Teams participated in this drill. Each team leader attempted contact, by any mode of communication available, with as many of their team members possible. The CERT Team Leader then passed the number of contacts made to the Jackson-Madison Co. / District 10 CERT Coordinator. The CERT Coordinator then passed the information to the Jackson-Madison Co EMA via amateur radio which then passed the information to the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency via amateur radio.
There were a total of four CERT Teams reporting in relaying 47 individual CERT Team member contacts:
Lambuth Area Neighborhood Association (LANA) - 7 check-ins
Northside Assembly CERT Team - 15 check-ins
Jackson State Community College CERT Team - 13 check-ins
Medical Support Command CERT Team - 12 check-ins
Congratulations on a job well done!
G. Michael Winslow, CERT Coordinator
Jackson-Madison County EMA
TN Homeland Security District 10